The Ministry> Vision and Strategies for the health sector
The mission of the Ministry of Health is to design and implement the state policy in the field of health in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in Benin as well as government policy and vision. The vision of the Ministry of Health "in 2025, Benin has a functioning health system based on public and private initiatives, individual and collective, to offer permanent Availability and Quality of Care, equitable and accessible Populations in all categories, based on values of solidarity and risk sharing to meet all the health needs of the people of Benin. " To implement this vision, the Ministry of Health has five (5) strategic areas as shown in the Summary of the national health policy . Development strategies in the health sector according to the National Plan for Health Development 2009 - 2018 are as follows: Strategic Area 1: Reduction of maternal and infant mortality, prevention, fight against the disease and improve quality of care. Strategic Area 2: Human resource development. Strategic Area 3: Strengthening partnership in the sector and promoting ethics and medical ethics. Strategic Area 4: Improvement of the financial mechanism of the sector. Strategic Area 5: Strengthening sector management. |